RAM: Random Access Mind

Where are we going to go today?

Any comments, questions or thoughts about the blog,
drop me a line.


"Since we no longer have the right to shoot trespassers on sight, we now reserve the right to viciously mock their clothes and haircuts. Until they cry and run home to their mommies. Long live the first amendment."
-Daniel Hill

"Maybe it's not the Grim Reaper. Maybe it's the Grim Rapper. Maybe it's just some guy that comes for ya and goes like 'Yo yo yo! It's time to go. You've lost all your fluids, your vitals sapped. Time to get ready for the big dirt nap.'"
-Robin Williams

"So Maine is cold. I think it was named Maine, which I believe is Indian for "Cold as your girlfriends feet in December". Pretty, but chilly."
-Melissa McCue

"If you try to take a cat apart to see how it works, the first thing you have in your hands is a nonworking cat."
-Douglas Adams

[::.PLACES TO GO.::]


So... this is "Mad Stylin"

In The Key of Q

Coach Yoda!
It's Time to Make the Fencers

ADD In Action


Rainbow Heron
Main Page

REALLY COOL FROODS (see Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy for definition of "frood")

Author-Type Froods

Peter David
Christopher Moore
Neil Gaiman
Dave Barry

Musician-Type Froods

Matthew Abelson
Brigid's Cross
"Weird Al" Yankovic

Dork Tower
Sluggy Freelance
Non Sequitur
Fox Trot
Get Fuzzy
Rose is Rose
9 Chickweed Lane
Something Positive
Scandal Sheet!
Queen of Wands
Lore Brand Comics
Kevin and Kell
Two Lumps
Too Much Information
Count Your Sheep
Order of the Stick
Alien Loves Predator
Code Name: Hunter


Lego Mini-You!

Plastic Battle Robots!

Despair, Inc.

A little bit of Buddism
Shambhala Sun

Keep On Poppin'
Perpetual Bubblewrap

Defending the 1st Amendment
Comic Book Legal Defense Fund

My Fencing Club
Cyrano's Place

Seen Larry Lately?
Larry's Face

National Public Radio
(Cleveland Area station)

Usenet Newsgroups

The Official Star Wars Website
Star Wars

Online Poetry Site

The WeatherPixie

Comments by: YACCS

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Brand new kitten! Brand new kitten!
(Changed 2-15-06)
Wednesday, February 27, 2002
Really Odd Random Thought

If you put a package of the blue marshmallow Peeps in the freezer, it kinda looks like they froze and sufficated to death.

Hey, you were warned it was odd.

Tuesday, February 26, 2002
Poem of the Day

Nothing today. Stopped by the site and was playing around with the words. Nothing came that I really liked. Hopefully tomorrow will be better for this.

SAY WHAT.....?

Was surfing online today, and stopped by a site I used to visit, but kind of stopped going to. It's Poetry.com. As suggested by it's name, it's an online poetry site. They've got all sorts of resourses and whatnot. You can also submit your own stuff for various contests. (I've submitted a poem or two there. Swing by, do a search, let me know what you think.) Anyways, one of the daily contests they have is called Poetry in Motion. It's sort of like those magnetic poetry kits you see everywhere. They give you a bunch of different words, and using 20 or less, you create something. Mine for today (it's still Monday for me, no matter what the date and time says) is:

moonlit night's sweet awe
marks the faithless dawn
Remember the dream of love

The words they have available change daily, so it's always something new. I'm gonna try and do this one daily, and I'll be posting them here. So.....
Let me know what you think of mine, or if you swing by the site and submit one yourself, let me know what it was.

Wednesday, February 13, 2002

I had really meant to be updating this more than I have been. One of those things that's always on the "To Do" list, but never as high as you want it to be. Well, several posts ago I had mentioned a Totally Irrelevant Poll I did on the Star Wars newsgroup I frequent. Just posted another one. Here's the questions. Let me know what your answers are too.

1) If you were to duel with someone, would you use a sword, or one of the old single shot dueling pistols?
2) Does you bologna have a first name? What about your other lunch meats?
3) If you started a band, what would you call it? (Those of you in a band need to think of a different name.)
4) If it’s December 1941 in Casablanca, what time is it in New York? (With my regards to Bogie.)
5) If a train leaves New York at 1pm heading west at 60 MPH, and another train leaves L.A. at 11am heading east at 70 MPH, when will the giraffe realize that he doesn’t have enough beer for his party on Friday night?

My answers, since I know you're all dieing to know:
1) Definately a sword. My fencing coach would beat the snot outta me if I said otherwise. :)
2) Nope, I try not to get too attached to my food.
3) I like the name 20' Frog. What it means, I have no idea. But it sounds kinda nifty.
**ADDENDUM (2-26-02) ** Foam Penguin is another name that I came up with. **END ADDENDUM**
4) I won't spoil this for you. Rent the movie and find out.
5) December 17, 1998.

Making life a little more surreal for everyone! :)