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Feeling ![]() Brand new kitten! Brand new kitten! (Changed 2-15-06) Tuesday, February 25, 2003
FINALLY AT REST For the first time in decades, my mom is finally free of pain in her body. She finally gets to rest. She was the bravest, strongest, most couragous person I've ever met. Goodbye Mom. I love you. Monday, February 24, 2003
I'VE SEEN IT For all those wondering, yes, I've seen Daredevil. Caught it twice opening day, and then just this past weekend with a friend. Not really in much of a movie critic mood at the moment (maybe I'll do a more complete review when I am), but I will say that Colin Farrell is outstanding in it. Michael Clark Duncan was also great. Biggest complaint is of the CG of DD leaping and swinging between buildings. Some of the wirework in the fight scenes bugged me too. Not too many complaints besides that. But, all in all, one of the better superhero/comic book movies I've ever seen. Sunday, February 23, 2003
JEFF FOXWORTHY IS RIGHT Jeff Foxworthy was right when he said "a Southern accent is not the world's most intelligent sounding accent." He can get away with it because he's a stand-up comic. But the point was driven home the other day when I heard a commercial for the Dr. Phil TV show. If you haven't heard this guy's voice, go find a clip somewhere and listen. Jeff was so right when he said that. Wednesday, February 12, 2003
NOTICED SOMETHING INTERESTING Driving in on my way to work, I noticed something kinda nifty. You can rent trucks from U-Haul that are designed to carry a circus elephant. In front of me on the road was a U-Haul truck with "JUMBO HAULER" on the back door. **rimshot** JOKE OF THE DAY Three old men are at the doctor for a memory test. The doctor says to the first old man, "What is three times three?" "274" was his reply. The doctor worriedly says to the second man, "It's your turn. What is three times three?" "Tuesday" replies the second man. The doctor sadly says to the third man, "Okay, your turn. What's three times three"? "Nine" says the third man. "That's great!" exclaims the doctor. "How did you get that"? "Jeez, Doc, it's pretty simple," says the third man. "I just subtracted 274 from Tuesday." Thursday, February 06, 2003
**HORRIBLESCOPES** Aries: (March 21-April 19)--You've heard all about it and you wanna check it out. Cloning! Then there'd be two of you, Horn Head. And that would just prove that age-old saying…Idiocy loves company. Tonight: Check out GEMINI. Taurus: (April 20-May 20)--You find a sweater on sale at the Wonder Mart. One size fits all. You look at the sweater, then you look at yourself in the mirror. You look at the sweater, you look at yourself. You look at the sweater, you look at yourself. And then you know. Tonight: Labels lie worse than politicians. Gemini: (May 21-June 20)--ARIES wants to get cloned? Be afraid. Be very afraid. It's a train wreck about to happen. Set up a diversion. Hand the Ramster a mirror. Say, "Your clone is looking at you!" Horn head will be occupied for hours. Tonight: Buy a bigger mirror. Cancer: (June 21-July 22)--Your boss, SAGITTARIUS, is on a tirade, yelling at you and LIBRA. You cringe, you cower, but not because you're afraid. The jerk had a burger with double onions for lunch. What's worse, there's something green stuck to SAG's teeth, and a spit-missile is forming at the corner of Arrow Thrower's mouth. Tonight: Incoming! Leo: (June 21-July 22)--Your boss, SAGITTARIUS, is on a tirade, yelling at you and LIBRA. You cringe, you cower, but not because you're afraid. The jerk had a burger with double onions for lunch. What's worse, there's something green stuck to SAG's teeth, and a spit-missile is forming at the corner of Arrow Thrower's mouth. Tonight: Incoming! Virgo: (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)--You get an email that will change your life. Earn $100,000 a year in your spare time! It's easy and fun! First, send in $29.95 for the Easy Earning Lesson Book. Then $59.95 for the startup kit. The world will be your oyster! Tonight: Heck, just send them your credit card number. Libra: (Sept. 23-Oct 22)--SAGITTARIUS is on a rant. CANCER looks about ready to throw up. But you don't mind. The Old Arrow Tosser can't get to you. Not only do you have earplugs in your ears, your nose is all stuffed up. Pretend to pay attention. Tonight: Nod and smile. Scorpio: (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)--You are standing outside. Everybody on the street is looking to the sky and pointing. It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a UFO! You look up, too, and suddenly…plop! It's a bird, all right. Now you know how a windshield feels. Tonight: Tomorrow, wear a hat. Sagittarius: (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)--You are the boss. You are in control. CANCER and LIBRA must do as you say. The most important thing in their lives is the sound of your voice. Rant, rave. Make sure they hear you. Get as close to them as possible, and your message will be clear. Tonight: You rule! Capricorn: (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)--You are at a matchmaker site on the Internet. You haven't had much luck finding someone, and this is your fourth try. But hold it, Goat. Don't be too honest. Your ability to belch the alphabet might not be as attractive as you think it is. Tonight: Start lying. Aquarius: (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)--You find one of those height-to-weight charts and you make an important discovery. According to this chart, Water Bucket, you should either weigh half what the scale says you do, or you should be seven feet tall. Tonight: But "diet" is a four-letter word! Pisces: (Feb. 19-March 20)--You take your car in for a tune up, and you are a little worried. Mechanics always try to rip you off, and you're tired of it. But what the mechanic tells you puts you at ease. The only thing you need is turn-signal fluid, and it will only cost $35.95. Tonight: Check out the ads for aluminum siding. Note: HORRIBLESCOPES have no basis in fact, scientific or otherwise. They are written on old Royal typewriters by 37 monkeys who have been locked up in a room for almost six weeks with nothing to live on except corn chips, sardines, peanut butter, and prunes. Read HORRIBLESCOPES at your own risk. Wednesday, February 05, 2003
SONGS WITHOUT FEAR Picked up the DD soundtrack today. (Big surprise for everybody, I know.) All in all, I rather like it. I'm generally not a big fan of alternative/hard rock music, but it's tolerable enough for me on the CD. There were a couple songs though that I just listened to once, and then skipped over the rest of the time. Just could *NOT* stand them. As it is, currently I just have "Bring Me To Life" playing on continuous loop. Yes, I rather love the song. What makes you ask? Got a kick-ass deal on it too. Normally 13.99 at Wal-Mart, on sale for the first week for 10.84. And when I called my local Borders to check if they were carrying it, the clerk told me that they had it on sale for 15.99. HA!! Take *THAT* Borders! Prices probably vary by location. This blog in no way supported by Wal-Mart. (If any Wal-Mart execs are reading this, I'll gladly take a cash donation. Email me for details: obeekris@hotmail.com) Now I'm just waiting for the DD score CD to be released. I think it could be a little while. They just released the Spider-Man score not too long ago, and that movie was released back in May. Sunday, February 02, 2003
EVEN BETTER!! Last time I mentioned the group Evanescence and their song "Bring Me To Life". Only provided a clip of the song. Well, I've actually got the full song now. Here links to the group's entry on MP3.com. They've got the entire song there. The full song is even better than the clip. For those who can't get the song to play for whatever reason, here are the lyrics to the song. |