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Feeling ![]() Brand new kitten! Brand new kitten! (Changed 2-15-06) Thursday, May 29, 2003
HI-YO SILVER, MAZEL TOV! Had an interesting weekend this past weekend. With the holiday, it ended up being a four day weekend for me. Friday, went to a middle school with my coach and did a couple of brief intros to fencing. Basically, we had the kids advance, retreat, and lunge, then let a few of them try poking at each other for a little bit. Did dinner with my family over at a family friends' house, which was really nice. Saturday (busy day #1), me and Aerri went horseback riding. Aerri's mom has a couple of horses, so she's been riding for awhile, but this was my first time on a horse. It's been something I've always wanted to try, and since I'm now dating someone who does ride a horse, it makes things a bit easier. However, we did not ride her mom's horses because of a little incident the weekend before, where one of the horses, Tracker- the one I would've been riding, tried to throw Aerri. So we went down to Mohican State park and a bit 'n' bridle place where you can ride for an hour or so. (Yes, we were a little amused that Aerri has horses she can ride for free, but still paid to do it.) We were up on trail horses that are quite well trained and didn't really cause any problems. Mine, Buddy, had more of a mind of his own though. I was at the end of the line because they said Buddy had a tendency to kick. (He didn't while I was on him.) The rest of the horses in the group were all riding pretty much single file (trying to hide their numbers RH :D). Mine, however insisted on walking off center from everybody else. Either that, or when I was trying to keep him over to the side of the road, he went *all* the way to the side. A section of the road we were walking on had ditches, maybe about 6-7 inches deep, along both sides, and Buddy walked *right* along side the ditch, close enough that it felt like he was going to step into it with his back leg. So when I tried to steer him just a little away from it, he decided to go all the way to the other side of the road, *right* next to the ditch on that side. So naturally I tried to steer him away from that one, and he goes back to the other side of the road. So the two of us are weaving back and forth across the road, like we're drunk or something. It got better when we got onto one of the horse trails though. Then he just followed the rest of the horses. Since it was only an hour walk, we rode for about a half hour, then turned around and went back the way we came. And when we hit that same section of rode, it was the same thing, weaving back and forth. But it was fun, and I'd like to go again at some point. After riding, we went and had dinner with Aerri's mom, then went and saw Matrix Reloaded. Good movie, but not as good as the first one. I think it'll be better once the third movie (Revolutions) comes out in November, since it seems to be more of one BIG movie, rather than two stand alone movies. Kinda like the Lord of the Rings movies, versus the Star Wars movies. Sunday (busy day #2), we went to my coach's wedding. Why on Sunday? I hear you ask. Because she and her now-husband are Jewish, which makes it a little difficult to do it on Saturday. It was nice. Different than what I'm used to. I've come to the conclusion that I'm converting to Judiasm for the wedding ceremony, then converting back right after. The entire ceremony was only about 15-20 minutes long. Short, sweet, and to the point. A very nice ceremony though. The rabbi explained everything going on, and what it meant, for all us goyim there. Then food and the party. It was a fun time. We did the whole dancing in the big circle thing. Monday, we really didn't have any major plans, so we decided to go to the Cleveland Zoo. It was nice since it's been a couple of years since the last time I went to the zoo, and the last time Aerri was at the Cleveland zoo was when she was a little girl. Wandered around the zoo for about 5 hours, and saw all the animals. Didn't get a chance to go to the rainforest, since we ran out of time. Hopefully next time. In the fall we're probably going to be taking Ethan and Xavier there, so that should be a fun day. So that was my busy weekend. Wednesday, May 28, 2003
Monday, May 19, 2003
Now, I know there are a couple of you out there who have just come to this realization: "Obee's birthday is a month from this past Sunday, and I don't know what in the world to get him!" With that in mind, I helpfully provide a list of things that you can get me (Yes, I'm shamelessly plugging for presents. :D ): 1) Cash. Cash is always good. :) 2) A CD wallet like this one. Not necessarily this one precisely, but a large capacity one like it. 3) M*A*S*H Season Three on DVD. 4) Highlander Season One on DVD. 5) The Braveheart DVD. 6) The second Braveheart soundtrack. They released two of them, one with a green cover, one with a blue cover. I have the green one already. 7) A CBLDF membership. (Contact me for specific details.) 8) This shirt. 9) This book. 10) This book. 11) Or this book. Numbers 7 through 11 go to support a worthy cause. 12) The Court Jester on DVD. 13) Gift Certificates for Waldenbooks. 14) A stuffed Gonzo for my car. Here is a TV Guide interview with Gonzo. If I think of anything else, I'll happily let y'all know. :D Thursday, May 15, 2003
JOKE OF THE DAY Quasimodo goes to the doctor for his annual check-up. "Well," the doctor says, "I think there's something wrong with your back." "How can you tell?" "Oh, it's just a hunch." Wednesday, May 14, 2003
AND THE NAME IS....... Drumroll please!!! The name of the car is: Gonzo This is kinda the name I had in mind back when I first announced the little contest, and I never really got anything else that spoke to me. And since I'm sure there are a bunch of you out there going "Why the hell did he pick 'Gonzo' as the name for his car??" allow me to enlighten you. It actually has a twofold reason. As some of you might know, I'm a Muppets' fan. There's always been a particular Muppet that I've had a certain fondness for, and seeing has how they're both blue, the car is partially (and primarily) named for The Great Gonzo. That's the first reason. The second reason will make sense especially to those familiar with the way I drive. As mentioned at some point, my car likes to.... shall we say..... go somewhat rapidly and faster than the other cars around him. With that in mind, 'Gonzo' is also short for Speedy Gonzales (it works if you say the name outloud, okay?). I have yet to decide if I'll get vanity plates for him or not. Monday, May 12, 2003
Sunday, May 11, 2003
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY Happy Mother's Day to all moms and moms-to-be reading this!! Happy Mother's Day Mom. I love you. Sunday, May 04, 2003
NAME THE CAR PART 2 Well, I figure about another week or so, and then I'll announce the name of the car. So, as of Tuesday May 13th, 9:30pm EST, I will no longer be accepting names for the car. As of yet, I've yet to see one that really calls out to me. So if you've thought of any more, post 'em. If, like some people I can think of (Yes, I'm talking to you Alex) you have read my blog but not yet posted, now is the time to do it. (Actually, the time to start posting was when you first started reading.) Anybody else with any other names for the car out there?? I WANT A TRUNK MONKEY I was down visiting my girlfriend this past weekend. Saturday evening, we're sitting on the couch watching TV when an ad for a local car group comes on. In it, you've got an empty street with a car and a truck, with the truck blocking the progress of the car. The driver from the truck is out of his vehicle and at the car window yelling in at the guy behind the wheel. The guy in the car reaches up and pushes a button label "trunk monkey." The trunk opens up, and out climbs a monkey carrying a tire iron. He comes up on the guy yelling into the car and knocks him over the head with the tire iron. Then they do their little sales pitch for the company. It's really tempting to go to the company next time I'm down for the weekend and ask if they can install a trunk monkey for me. I want a trunk monkey. Not that I've got that situation happening, but I think it would be useful for when I've got people tailgating me on the freeway. Plus, monkeys are cool. Anybody else want a trunk monkey? Update 5-5-03 8:20pm: After a bit of searching, I've found a copy of the commercial. The text is a bit different than the Columbus version, but it's still cool. Here it is. |