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Feeling today Brand new kitten! Brand new kitten! (Changed 2-15-06) Sunday, August 31, 2003
A VALIANT ATTEMPT, AT ANY RATE Okay so I didn't quite make it on a post a day in August. I think I did reasonably well, though. I could have been worse about my efforts. Granted, I could have been a bit better, but I could have been worse too. Oh, and about my newest quote. It's from this past Friday's Get Fuzzy. It doesn't really have a more significant meaning other than it's a great non sequitur. Not that it's a Non Sequitur, just a non sequitur. Have I confused anyone yet, or should I try harder? Update: According to my girlfriend, the Get Fuzzy quote is actually from an old Steve Martin routine. I haven't confirmed that for myself yet, but if/when I do, I'll correct the attribution. Until then, I'll leave it as it is. Tuesday, August 26, 2003
TEMPUS FUGIT It's amazing how fast time has gone this year. The boys are now 8 1/2 months old. I've been dating my girlfriend for almost 6 months, and we've known each other for 9 years (we met sometime in the second half of August, but before the 25th. I don't remember the exact date. And one of these days I'll actually get around to telling the story of how we met.) And mom died 6 months ago today. Six months. Where the hell has it gone? Where the hell does time go in general? It seems like each day, individually, just drags on and on at times. But looking back, the collection of days has just gone by. That *whooshing* sound you hear is Time flapping its little wings as it goes speeding off past us. The mocking laughter echoing eerily around you is the omniscient cackle of Mother Nature who knows that it another six months, I'll be wondering where the hell a year has gone. Six months. And we can't do anything about it. Friday, August 22, 2003
Haven't been very inspired for blogging this week, even though I still owe the story about Aerri's fencing experience, plus what we did last weekend, plus I still need to update RUM about the baptism. Don't know why, just haven't felt like blogging much. As that's also the case today, I'll carry through on my promise/threat from awhile ago: Didn't have lunch today. Woke up around 1:30-2PM-ish. Munched on a few potato chips when I got to work. Dinner was from Panera, and was half a turkey breast sandwich, with lettuce and tomato, on a sourdough baguette, and a bowl of chicken noodle soup, with some sort of sticky roll. Wednesday, August 20, 2003
Tuesday, August 19, 2003
A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT For all those who, for whatever the reason, object to eating any green vegetables: All we are saying, is give peas a chance. WELL, THAT WAS INTERESTING Yes, I know I'm behind on my updates. Last Wednesday I wasn't up for one, and rather than giving you another "This is not a real post" post, I just decided not to do one. Thursday was the infamous power outage, with which I'm sure you're all familiar. Sunday I only worked a half day, and didn't get a chance to update. But hey, I'm here now. Thursday was quite interesting. I was playing Diablo II on my computer at home when the power went out. (I'm just glad I wasn't very far into the section I was on, or I would have been *really* annoyed.) I wander downstairs and find out from my neighbor that it's multi-state sort of occurance. Okay. Bonus: I got my freezer defrosted. (It's a small thing, but at least something minorly positive came out of this.) So I get to work at about my normal time. Obviously, there's no power there, either. My boss hangs around for a little bit, in case the power comes back up, but finally leaves about 7pm. I was going to stay until midnight, in case power comes on, and we can reboot our systems and still get some things done. I had a book with me, so I was sitting, reading by the sunlight coming in through one of the windows. Fortunately, somebody had a battery powered radio, so I was listening to that too. Our building has some of those battery powered emergency lights, so at about 9ish, when I'm not getting any light through the window, I go sit under one of those and keep reading for awhile. At about 10:15 or so, that one goes out. Doesn't fade out, or slowly start getting dimmer or anything like that, just lit one minute, out the next. I mosey on over to the only other working light. Out building has about 4 or 5 of them, but only two were working that night. (I hope they get new batteries/recharged, in case we should lose power again. We're heading into fall storm season, and we've had at least one other time, since I've worked here, that power has gone out.) I did have a couple of flashlights, so I wasn't totally in the dark; at least, not yet I wasn't. Roughly 11, the other light fails. Again, no warning, on one minute, out the next. The only light in the building, not from a flashlight, is from an "Exit" sign; otherwise it's pitch black. Quite a weird feeling/experience. And I've still got an hour before I can leave. Tried reading by the flashlight, but that didn't last too long. Finally just kinda walked around for a little while, listening to the radio. Midnight comes and I leave. Driving home was a different experience too, but I only live about 10 minutes from work, so it wasn't too bad. We did have one working phone at work, so I talked to my girlfriend. I was orginally planning on heading down to visit Friday afternoon, but since power was out, and water quality and availablity was iffy, I headed down at 1:30. I stayed that long just in case power came back, and I had to head back into work. But it didn't, so Columbus bound I was. I don't know when power was finally restored to either home or work, but I think it was sometime Friday morning. Had fun with the girlfriend over the weekend, but that's tomorrow's post. I hope nobody else was affected to badly or weirdly by the power, or lack there of. Wednesday, August 13, 2003
OOOOH, INSPIRING, INNIT? Unfortunately, there's no major update today. Don't feel particularly inspired for writing at the moment. Hopefully tomorrow will produce better results. Tuesday, August 12, 2003
WEEKEND FUN AND GAMES Well, with Friday being Aerri's birthday, she managed to convince me to go down to Columbus Thursday night/Friday morning after work. So we had all day Friday together. It was pretty much just one of those "lazy day, enjoy the day" sort of things. We headed out to Easton Town Center, which is sort of a mall/shopping complex sort of thing. We had lunch at PF Chang's, then went and hung out and played games at Gameworks for awhile. (We won two really big teddy bears, which we gave to the nubbins as baptism presents, since that was on Sunday. I'll talk about that one in R.U.M. in the next day or two.) Her roommate joined us when they finished work, and we went and saw League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. It wasn't too bad. It's a good movie for when you're in the mood for an action flick, without too heavy of plot. Nothing incredibly stand-out about it, but nothing that really drags it down, either. Sean Connery was good in it. Saturday we went over to her parents' house. Her dad had to work, so we pretty much hung out with her mom. We went and saw Seabiscuit. Note: never go see a movie about horses with two horse people. The movie itself was actually better than I expected (even with the running commentary by two people sitting next to me who shall remain nameless). The story's as much about the owner, trainer and jockey as it is about the horse, all set against the backdrop of the Great Depression. After the movie, we went out to dinner at Damon's, which was really good, since I haven't been there for awhile. Then we headed back to her mom's house, and ended up watching the rest of For The Boys which happened to be playing. Sunday was the boys' baptism. Went to that and then the party for a little while, then I went to work, and Aerri went back home. All in all, a good weekend. Sunday, August 10, 2003
WEEKEND UPDATE Don't really have time for my weekend report tonight, so I'll give all the details tomorrow night. Friday, August 08, 2003
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Since technically it is now Friday, it's now my girlfriend's birthday. Sooooo: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!! BEEN AWHILE FOR THIS It's been awhile since we've done a word association so that's what we'll do today. Just the regular word association, just give the first word that pops into your head. And today's word is: heeeeere lizard lizard LIZARD Wednesday, August 06, 2003
SPECIAL NOTICE!! SPECIAL NOTICE!! ARRRGGGHH!! I almost forgot to tell everybody this. I haven't forgotten, just forgotten to mention to you guys. My girlfriend's birthday is this Friday. Repeat, my girlfriend's birthday is Friday, August 8th. If you go into the comments section, she's provided her email address. Note: Since she happened to bring it up, (thank you for bringing it up, Love) my girlfriend is the same age I am. For those of you who know how old I am, you now know how old my girlfriend is. For those who don't, weeellll, there are ways to find out my age. Aren't you sorry you mentioned it now, Dear? :D And this is really today's post TUG ON HIS CAPE! TUG ON HIS CAPE! The other day, I’m driving up from Columbus on my way to work, and I’ve got my Jim Croce CD playing. For those who don’t know, Jim Croce wrote and performed, among many other songs, Time In A Bottle,Operator (That’s Not The Way It Feels), Bad Bad Leroy Brown and You Don’t Mess Around With Jim. So Jim comes on and it gets to the refrain, which goes: “You don’t tug on Superman’s cape. You don’t spit into the wind. You don’t pull the mask on that old Lone Ranger, And you don’t mess around with Jim.” Okay, I can see the point about spitting into the wind. And about pulling the mask of the Lone Ranger, ‘cause he’ll just get pissed; he’s wearing the mask for a reason. (Side note. Why's he called the LONE Ranger if he rides around with Tonto??) But what’s wrong with tugging the cape of Superman? What’s he going to do to you? He’s one of the Good Guys. Heck, he’s THE Good Guy. It’s not like he’ll fry you with his heat vision, or freeze you with his super breath, or pound your skull in or something. So what’s the worst that can happen. For example, let’s say somebody walks up to Superman and tugs on the cape. He’ll probably ask what they want. They keep tugging, he’ll probably ask them to stop. They tug some more, he’ll probably grab the cape out of their hands. They tug again, he’ll probably just float up out of arm’s length. He’ll probably be lecturing the person the whole time too. It’s not like he’s going to hock a big old lugie on their head. And then he’ll just fly off. Now, if you were tugging on Batman’s cape, that could lead to some problems. Yes, these road trips provide me with a lot of time to think. Maybe too much time to think. This was supposed to be Tuesday’s post, but because of some technical difficulties, I can’t get to it until today. NO KIDDING So I’m in the grocery store the other day, and they got a spinner rack with CDs on it. I was flipping through, seeing if there was anything interesting or worth picking up. I come across a soundtrack for the movie Mr. Wrong, starring Ellen Dengeres. All I can think is “It’s starring Ellen Dengeres. Any man for her is going to be Mr. Wrong.” Argh! My first week of trying to do something daily and I'm already behind. This was supposed to appear on Monday, it was started on Monday, but I got busy at work and didn't get a chance to finish. It was finished on Tuesday, but I ran into technical problems. OOOOOH, PRETTY Well, I've got quite an impressive bruise on my arm. (No, it's not from my girlfriend for that crack about her driving.) I was in a tournament last weekend. I’m pretty sure it’s an epee bruise, based upon the size of it. It’s currently about the size of a half dollar. At one point, I had roughly 5 different colors in it too, but it’s finally calmed down a bit, so that’s it sort of got this yellowish ring around the edges of it, and changes to red/purple closer to the center. The center of the bruise is my regular skin color. It was a rather nifty looking thing, definitely worthy of a picture, but unfortunately, I didn’t get one. I figure it should still be around in another week. The funny thing is, I’ve got another, much smaller bruise right above it. The smaller bruise is actually the one that hurts when I press or bump it. The big one, nothing. My results ran from so-so to terrible, depending on the weapon. I ended up fencing all three weapons. I know, I normally don’t fence epee, but they needed 2 more people to increase the rating level of the tourny, so I said that if they couldn’t get them, I’d sign up. Obviously, they didn’t get the people they needed. I had originally only planned on fencing saber and foil. Saber, the first event, I did about expected, ending up 7th out of 8, about my normal spot. Epee, the second event, I finished 21st out of 25, which really isn’t too bad, since it’s the first time I’ve actually fenced epee in a tournament, and maybe the third or forth time I’ve even used an epee at all. Foil I did god-awful in. Bottom of the pile, 19th out of 19. During my pool, I didn’t get one touch. Not one. I came close for one, literally a breath away, but missed. I was fencing Ricky, who I’ve fenced before, and who I know can beat me, but I usually end up getting at least a touch or two in pools, and a decent number during DEs. So I parry and send a riposte at him. I see my foil point actually touch his lame. At that exact moment I’m touching him, he inhales, cause my point to fall short. It was totally a matter of timing, and not something he did deliberately, since he was just as surprised as I was. So the day was so-so for me. The really interesting part comes up: My girlfriend fenced that day. Would you like to tell the story dear, or should I? Sunday, August 03, 2003
THANK YOU MASTER! MAY I LIFT ANOTHER? Yesterday was one of those ever easy, fun, and stress- and pain- free days. Yesterday was moving day! Not for me though. We moved Aerri and one of her roommates to a new apartment. She's still in Columbus, so we're not closer to each other. Well, maybe closer by about 5 minutes or so, since she moved northward, but not really significantly closer. (Hey Love, now you can make it to Cleveland in 1 hour and 25 minutes, rather than 1 hour and 30 minutes. :D [I'm gonna be hurt for that one]) It didn't go too badly. It didn't rain, which is always good. It was hot though (over 80). We had Aerri's mom volunteer with her pickup, which has a cap on the bed, which is always helpful. It's a good sized truck, so we can carry more, so it probably saved us a load or two. THANKS MOM!! We also had one of her old roommates, Tracy, help out with the loading and unloading. He's a big guy, which is another bonus when moving. Between all of us moving, we carried over two beds and frames, two desks, a couple of dressers, five or six bookcases, a computer, a microwave, a tv, and I don't know how many boxes. A long day, with a *lot* of work. Fortunately the complex Aerri moved into has a swimming pool. So when we were done, Tracy, Aerri, and I went swimming. Lordy did that water feel nice! After swimming for a bit, we went out to dinner at BD's Mongolian Barbeque (all-you-can-eat is always a good thing after a day like that) then came home and crashed. A long, busy day, but fortunately a productive one. Friday, August 01, 2003
A REAL UPDATE! As promised. So I've finally finished that big book that everybody seems to be reading. Yes, I've finally got through the book about a teenage boy's culinary adventures in the capital city of the state of Arizona. Yes, I've finally read..... Harry Porter Orders in Phoenix. It's nice to see Roweling has returned to her original concept for the books. Not many people know this, but the first book, and the series, was supposed to take place in a London bakery. Thus we would have had Harry Porter and the Sorceror's Scone. It would have been followed by book 2 where we learn about candy and gum and breath mints in Harry Porter and the Chamber of Sucrets. Book 3 would have had Harry receiving anonymous gifts of baked goods, shaped into all sorts of interesting items. Harry would have to figure out who is trying to poison him, and why, in Harry Porter and the Prisoner's Marzipan. Book 4 would have taken an unusual turn, in addition to getting Harry to the States and setting up book 5, in that Harry would have been meeting a Native American who tempts Harry to drink in Harry Porter and the Goblets of Firewater. I'll post my review of the book some time next week, becuase I know somebody here is still reading through it (or at least she was last time we mentioned the subject) and I don't want to spoil anything. And as a bonus for everybody, since I went so long without posting in July, my goal is to post every day (Sunday through Thursday) throughout August. I won't be posting Friday or Saturday because I normally don't have access to the internet those days. So for the next four weeks, look for 5 posts a week. What are you going to get? Who knows. It may only be what I had for lunch and dinner that day, but you'll get something. We'll see if I can meet my goal. |