RAM: Random Access Mind

Where are we going to go today?

Any comments, questions or thoughts about the blog,
drop me a line.


"Since we no longer have the right to shoot trespassers on sight, we now reserve the right to viciously mock their clothes and haircuts. Until they cry and run home to their mommies. Long live the first amendment."
-Daniel Hill

"Maybe it's not the Grim Reaper. Maybe it's the Grim Rapper. Maybe it's just some guy that comes for ya and goes like 'Yo yo yo! It's time to go. You've lost all your fluids, your vitals sapped. Time to get ready for the big dirt nap.'"
-Robin Williams

"So Maine is cold. I think it was named Maine, which I believe is Indian for "Cold as your girlfriends feet in December". Pretty, but chilly."
-Melissa McCue

"If you try to take a cat apart to see how it works, the first thing you have in your hands is a nonworking cat."
-Douglas Adams

[::.PLACES TO GO.::]


So... this is "Mad Stylin"

In The Key of Q

Coach Yoda!
It's Time to Make the Fencers

ADD In Action


Rainbow Heron
Main Page

REALLY COOL FROODS (see Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy for definition of "frood")

Author-Type Froods

Peter David
Christopher Moore
Neil Gaiman
Dave Barry

Musician-Type Froods

Matthew Abelson
Brigid's Cross
"Weird Al" Yankovic

Dork Tower
Sluggy Freelance
Non Sequitur
Fox Trot
Get Fuzzy
Rose is Rose
9 Chickweed Lane
Something Positive
Scandal Sheet!
Queen of Wands
Lore Brand Comics
Kevin and Kell
Two Lumps
Too Much Information
Count Your Sheep
Order of the Stick
Alien Loves Predator
Code Name: Hunter


Lego Mini-You!

Plastic Battle Robots!

Despair, Inc.

A little bit of Buddism
Shambhala Sun

Keep On Poppin'
Perpetual Bubblewrap

Defending the 1st Amendment
Comic Book Legal Defense Fund

My Fencing Club
Cyrano's Place

Seen Larry Lately?
Larry's Face

National Public Radio
(Cleveland Area station)

Usenet Newsgroups

The Official Star Wars Website
Star Wars

Online Poetry Site

The WeatherPixie

Comments by: YACCS

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Brand new kitten! Brand new kitten!
(Changed 2-15-06)
Tuesday, September 30, 2003
I was just emailling RH, when I came up with another great idea, this time for a new TV show. It's a take-off of a current one, a popular home redecorating show. We'll call it Trading Webpages. Two teams and a webdesigner redo each other's website. Should be a big hit on Tech TV.

Monday, September 29, 2003
Had a fun time this weekend.
On Saturday, went out to the Ohio Renaissance Festival with my girlfriend and Melissa. (Discount tickets are a fun thing, especially when they include a ticket for 1 entree, 1 drink, 1 dessert, and $2 off a souvenir, plus entry into the fair.) We were wandering around, and had a bunch of fun. We only managed to catch two shows, a "Hey Nunnie Nunnie" show (a two "nun" comedy team), and a mud pit show. We did some shopping too. I got myself a new shirt and pair of pants. And I've got a doublet coming as an early Christmas present. (A doublet is basically a medieval/Renaissance style vest.) My girlfriend wanted a new bodice, so we stopped into a place she's bought from before, Journeyman Leather. She and Melissa are in there trying on bodices, so I'm just kind of standing around, looking at the different designs they can do. One of the booth people comes up behind me, carrying a doublet, and pretty much sticks my arms through it. We decide that I look pretty good in one (Yeah, I'll admit it, I did), so my girlfriend tells me to pick out a design for the back, and she'll get it for me. So I'm standing there, trying to figure out what the heck sort of design I want. They had a nice frog design, and one with a wild unicorn on it, but I still wasn't sure. Since one of my nicknames is Pinky, I ask if they can do that. They tell me they can do better than that, they can give me Pinky rampant, which, I think, will look kind of like this, but with Pinky, instead of the lion. It'll be a few weeks before they're done, but once I get it, I'll post a picture of it so everybody can see. My doublet is black, with green trim. Pinky will be done in light grey, with pick accents at the nose and ears. Aerri and I also managed to highly amuse Melissa, because of the way we interact with each other. Yes Melissa, that's how we act most of the time. :)
Sunday I had to work, but I managed to get out early enough that I got to see Pirates of the Caribbean again. Oh yeah, I also picked up the soundtrack the other day. I definitely recommend it. Very good stuff.

If whales were pirates, would they make somebody walk the plankton?

Friday, September 26, 2003
A judge grew tired of seeing the same town drunk in front of his bench. One day the judge glared down at the man, who was still intoxicated, and thundered "It is the sentence of this court that you be taken from here to a place of execution and there hanged by the neck until DEAD."

The drunk promptly fainted.

The court bailiff commenced to reviving the man, and looked up at the judge, at which time the judge shrugged and responded "I've always wanted to do that."

Tuesday, September 23, 2003
Well, I have another website I'm slowly at work on. You can get to it here. I was looking for some place where I could post pictures and images of mine. So I finally decided to set one up. It's slowly under construction. I'm building it pretty much from scratch, so the look will probably change from time to time. Let me know what you think. I'll have a link to it over on the left side of the blog, and let you know when I update it.
And for those where were wonder what my post from Sept. 4th meant, about the drawing, you can see a copy of it there.

Addition, 9-24-03
I've just put up the most recent picture I have of my nephews. It's about a month old. They are cute and getting cuter each day!

Sunday, September 21, 2003
Once more with the pirates theme. This time, you can find your pirate name here. Mine is:
Black Harry Rackham
Like anyone confronted with the harshness of robbery on the high seas, you can be pessimistic at times. You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-ham) is one of the coolest sounding surnames for a pirate. Arr!

What be your pirate name?

Wednesday, September 17, 2003
Been a little bit, so time once again for word association. What the heck we'll keep it with the theme of the week:


Tuesday, September 16, 2003
I just had a great idea, something to make me millions. It's a new collectable card game, based on one of the current hot ones, but for a different market, a group that normally isn't targeted for something like this. I present: Fogey-Oh!© (The Card Game For Grandparents!) You've got your settings cards: house, apartment, nursing home, living with adult child, etc; your different power-ups cards: daily vitamins, iron pills, heart pills, ginko biloba, etc; and don't forget the combat and weapon cards: canes, walkers, pictures of the grandchildren, wheelchair chicken, cafeteria food fight; the cards you can play against your opponents: forget name, incontinence, lose room key, get lost in own house, lose at Bingo.
You could even cross it over with a collectable card game aimed at music lovers: Polkamon! "I choose you, Welkichu!"
I can hear the cash registers ringing up the sales now!

(Oooooooh, I'm gonna get in trouble for this. I have no doubt that my afterlife will be long and very very warm. :D )

Somehow I have the feeling that, though it came to me as a joke, the Fogey-Oh!© idea is actually marketable and saleable, so I'm applying a copyright to the name, just to be on the safe side of things.

Monday, September 15, 2003
Finally got to see Pirates of the Caribbean this weekend. Excellent movie!! (I'm not really going to talk too much about details of the movie, since I'm not sure who has and hasn't seen it, and I don't want to ruin anything for those who haven't seen it yet.)
Off the top of my head, I can't think of any parts of the movie that I had a problem with. Great casting. Johnny Depp looks like he's just having a ball the entire time. The fight choreography was fantastic, especially the duel between Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom. The pirates, despite being a bunch of thoroughly rotten and unlikeable guys, or maybe because of it, are a bunch of almost likeable guys. A pretty decent story and script. And the special effects are outstanding. Absolutely incredible. All in all, one of the best movies I've seen in awhile.

Oh yeah, and unlike a bunch of other people, I didn't have any problems with the monkey.

Me, I think I'll follow Ray Stevens' example of how to be a pirate from The Pirate Song.

And on the subject of pirates, don't forget that this Friday, September 19th, is Talk Like A Pirate Day.

Thursday, September 11, 2003
I get a daily newsletter in my email, with horoscopes and jokes and links to interesting websites. The following link came from the newsletter. In just a couple of weeks, my friend Melissa is getting married. (Congrats!) Regular readers and commenters here know Melissa, since she's one of the aforementioned regular readers and commenters. When I saw the link I just had to follow it, and it just made me think of Melissa. Don't take it personal, Melissa, you'll see why when you go to the site. (Though I hope your sense of taste is much better than anything here.) Enjoy what the bride wore...

Addition 9-16-03 This probably isn't something I'll normally say, but personally, I really like the title of this post. I find it amusing, but then, that's just me.

Wednesday, September 10, 2003
Well, as you may have noticed, comments are back! Yaay!!

Now I have a little poll for everybody. Since I've made two mentions of them (several months apart) here on my website (three if you count this one), my girlfriend seems to feel that I have an obsession with trunk monkeys. So I ask you, my readers: Do *you* think I have a trunk monkey obsession?

Thursday, September 04, 2003
The drawing was framed and given over the weekend. It was much enjoyed and appreciated, and as far as I know, is displayed on the desk at work.

Wednesday, September 03, 2003
To quote from Will Smith: "I have got to get me one of these!" It's a car that's also a boat. "The name is Bond. James Bond." One minute, you're on the road, the next, cruising down the Thames River in hot pursuit. Or in my case, the Cuyahoga River. Throw in a trunk monkey, and you're all set.

A comment about comments. Unfortunately, the site that hosts my comments is down until next Monday evening. Their server crashed, and they won't have a replacement up and running until then. They'll be back soon though. Hopefully, none of the old comments got lost.