RAM: Random Access Mind

Where are we going to go today?

Any comments, questions or thoughts about the blog,
drop me a line.


"Since we no longer have the right to shoot trespassers on sight, we now reserve the right to viciously mock their clothes and haircuts. Until they cry and run home to their mommies. Long live the first amendment."
-Daniel Hill

"Maybe it's not the Grim Reaper. Maybe it's the Grim Rapper. Maybe it's just some guy that comes for ya and goes like 'Yo yo yo! It's time to go. You've lost all your fluids, your vitals sapped. Time to get ready for the big dirt nap.'"
-Robin Williams

"So Maine is cold. I think it was named Maine, which I believe is Indian for "Cold as your girlfriends feet in December". Pretty, but chilly."
-Melissa McCue

"If you try to take a cat apart to see how it works, the first thing you have in your hands is a nonworking cat."
-Douglas Adams

[::.PLACES TO GO.::]


So... this is "Mad Stylin"

In The Key of Q

Coach Yoda!
It's Time to Make the Fencers

ADD In Action


Rainbow Heron
Main Page

REALLY COOL FROODS (see Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy for definition of "frood")

Author-Type Froods

Peter David
Christopher Moore
Neil Gaiman
Dave Barry

Musician-Type Froods

Matthew Abelson
Brigid's Cross
"Weird Al" Yankovic

Dork Tower
Sluggy Freelance
Non Sequitur
Fox Trot
Get Fuzzy
Rose is Rose
9 Chickweed Lane
Something Positive
Scandal Sheet!
Queen of Wands
Lore Brand Comics
Kevin and Kell
Two Lumps
Too Much Information
Count Your Sheep
Order of the Stick
Alien Loves Predator
Code Name: Hunter


Lego Mini-You!

Plastic Battle Robots!

Despair, Inc.

A little bit of Buddism
Shambhala Sun

Keep On Poppin'
Perpetual Bubblewrap

Defending the 1st Amendment
Comic Book Legal Defense Fund

My Fencing Club
Cyrano's Place

Seen Larry Lately?
Larry's Face

National Public Radio
(Cleveland Area station)

Usenet Newsgroups

The Official Star Wars Website
Star Wars

Online Poetry Site

The WeatherPixie

Comments by: YACCS

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Feeling The current mood of ObeeKris at www.imood.com today
Brand new kitten! Brand new kitten!
(Changed 2-15-06)
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
The next time somebody claims I have too much time on my hands, I direct your attention here.

It beats me hands down.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Some of you may remember a post of mine from about this time last year, about a certain new holiday..... concoction.

Well, guess what? They're back!

May I have big EWWWWWWW!!! please?

Tuesday, November 02, 2004
I know there are a few of you out there who have thought about writing a novel. So I have a challenge for you. National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo for short. The goal is to write a 50,000 word novel by the end of the day (Midnight) November 30th. Head here for details. I'm going to do this. To quote from Robin Hood: Men in Tights "Are you with me? Yea or Nay!?!"
I have set up another blog for me to do this. I'll post bits and parts as I get them done, or maybe even the entire thing.

Small children have a way of surprising the heck out of you, sometimes. Like today, for example. Ethan really caught me off guard.

I'm over at my sister's (ObeeSis?) place about once a week, watching the boys while she does some running around. I'm there for a couple hours, and then go to work from there. As those of you who have spent any significant time around small children know, there are all sorts of ways to get all sorts of fluids and liquids on your shirt and clothing. So I always bring a shirt to change into for work, which I change before I leave her house.

Today, I change my shirt as normal, and start to put my shoes on to leave. Ethan sees me, walks over, and says "Go bye." Apparently, he's picked up on the fact that when I change my shirt, it means I'm leaving. You don't think they would notice things like that, but they do.

Thursday, October 28, 2004
Weebles are fun. I'm sure you all remember Weebles. They used to be these little white, egg-shaped things with generically drawn faces on them. Well, they're back, and better than ever. They're no longer white, egg-shaped things. Now they're molded plastic, with arms and faces and stuff. They've even made vehicles and playsets for them.

The nubbins love them. They've got a slide in their playroom. It's big enough for them to go down without getting hurt. Well, Uncle Chris introduced the Weebles to the slide. Of course, I'm not quite sure who's more entertained by sending the Weebles down the slide, me or the boys.

Oh yeah, this reminds me of a joke:
A bunch of cows, both male and female, are out standing in a field. Suddenly, these gigantic gusts of wind come along. The females are all knocked down and scattered across the field. But the males are just standing there, rocking back and forth. When the wind finally dies down, one of the females goes over to the males.
"What gives?" she asks. "We're scattered everywhere, but you're just standing here, rocking back and forth. Why didn't you fall?"
"Well, it should be obvious," replies one. "We bulls wobble, but we don't fall down."

You may commence with the groaning now. :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

This is a picture of Sydney from Labor Day weekend. Ain't she cute?

She's getting big too. My sister took her for her 2 month check up the other day. She's up to 11lbs.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004
I've lived in my apartment, on my own, for 4 years now. Just me, myself and I.
Until recently, the past several weeks at the minimum, if not longer, that's been fine.

But lately I've been feeling kind of weird in my apartment, and I finally figured out what it is. When I am the only person in the apartment, when I'm by myself, it feels empty. It's lonely in there.

I've only spent a double handful of weeks down in Columbus, in the new condo. But when I'm there, it feels more like home than my own apartment does.

I guess it's true what they say after all, about home and the location of you heart.

(Love you, cute stuff.)

Thursday, October 21, 2004
I found the perfect Halloween costume. Not for me. For my fiance. Go check it out


Sunday, October 17, 2004
My fiance was being rather mean to me on Saturday. She bought her wedding dress and won't let me see it. She carried this big, white bag inside the house and wouldn't let me look inside. She basically kept taunting me.

Well, all I have to say to her is:

Friday, October 15, 2004
You know you're growing older when you start reading for pleasure that which you ignored, avoided, or were otherwise forced to read when you were in school.

I've had a copy of Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass laying around for ages. I'm not even quite sure why. So, looking for something to read, I started in on it.

Plus I'm feeling the pull of Willy again. I'm heading out to Half-Price Books on Saturday, so I'll probably pick up a couple of Shakespeare books. (What were you thinking I was talking about? Sickos.)

Plus, about the only radio station I ever listen to any more is NPR.

I'm getting old.

Thursday, October 14, 2004
My sister has asked me to be Sydney's godfather. Of course, I said yes.

I'm working on the accent now. ;)

Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Had a "Wooah" moment over the weekend. Everybody has them I think. It's the moment of realization where the theoretical meets the physical; where what was only a thought becomes reality. It's the difference between knowing you only need a point to win, and actually winning, between thinking "I'm going to be an uncle/aunt" and actually holding your niece or nephew, between thinking "I'm going to graduate high school/college" and actually holding the diploma in your hand, etc. etc. It's that moment where you go "Wooah. This is actually happening."

My own little moment came on Saturday afternoon. My little moment was "Wooah. I'm actually getting married." (I'm sure there are a few of you out there going "You're just now figuring this out??" My response to you is "Oh hush, wiseass.")

The reason this came about is because we've bought our wedding rings.

My better half and I were up at the mall. It's the mall where I got her engagement ring, from Fred Meyer Jewelers. (For those in the Cleveland area, the one at Southpark. Good selection, good prices. Ask to talk to Shari. Tell her Chris sent you.) So we stop in, mostly because I wanted to show her what else I had been considering for a ring. Since we were there, we also looked at wedding rings. Aerri found what she liked, easily enough. It's a thin, yellow gold band, with about a half dozen small diamonds set along the top. A nice complement to her engagement ring. I took a bit longer for my final decision.

I've never really given a great deal of thought to what my wedding ring would look like. I don't suppose most guys do, until they need to get one. I always figured I'd just get something very similar to my father's, a simple gold band, maybe a bit of design work along the edge. Nothing too complex or fancy.

I won't say that my ring is complex or fancy, just not quite what I expected I'd get. Don't get me wrong, I'm quite pleased with it. It's got a top and bottom band of yellow gold, with a larger center band of white gold. There's a row of a half dozen small diamonds inset into the white gold band. It's a very nice complement to Aerri's ring. They almost look like a set.

And yeah, I'm pretty sure I'll have other "Wooah" moments about getting married. More than likely, the biggest will be on the night of October 15, 2005, when everything is all over. Then I'll probably be going "Whooooooooooooah."

Was watching Return of the King with my better half over the weekend.

Naturally, being the smart alek that I am, comments slip out of my mouth.

At the point were Gandolf and Pippin ride over the stream, and Gandolf says they've just entered the realm of Gondor, I go "It's the GPS. Gandolf Postioning System."

When Aragorn is trying to convince the ghosts to come and fight for him, and he goes "What say you?" as the camera pans past the row of ghosts, most with really bad teeth, I say "Do you have dental?"

And as Frodo and Sam are clining up the secret stairway hundreds of feet about the Nazgul city, out comes "Hey, I can see my house from here!" (This one might have come out of Aerri's mouth.)

It just goes to show you, no movie is safe when I'm around.

Friday, September 24, 2004
Those of you who read Q's or Coach Yoda's blog may have already seen this. For those who don't, or haven't....

The fencing community lost a great member this past weekend. Ray Bautista, a fencing coach from Dayton, died from a stroke. He was 45.

I, unfortunately, did not have a lot of contact with him, and I wish I'd had more. In a sport where the competitiveness of athletes and coaches far too frequently gets in the way of enjoyment and fun, he was a pleasure to interact with every time I saw him.

Every time I saw him at an event or meet, my thought was not (as with many others) "Damn, Ray and his kids are here," but rather "Cool, Ray and his kids are here." He made fencing fun, for me, as well as many others. He will be missed.

Monday, September 13, 2004
....Become audience member of Oprah's show.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004
That's gotta hurt.

I saw the score for the Tribe/Yankees game tonight.

Cleveland won.


Monday, August 09, 2004
12:26 pm.
6 lbs, 2 oz.
19" long.
Sydney Denise.

That's my beautiful new niece!!!

I thought that it had been mentioned somewhere on here, but I guess not.

For those who are wondering, yes, we've set a date for the wedding: October 15, 2005.

Are you happy Coach Yoda? Actual news. :)

Sunday, August 08, 2004
If Who is on first, how did he let the dogs out?

Thursday, July 29, 2004
Apparently the 100 Acre Woods isn't.

A new study by a government land survey team has determined that the 100 Acre Woods is actually only 89.85 acres.

When asked for comment, local resident Mr. W. T. Pooh would only say, "Oh, bother."

While it is still being determined how the mistake came about, it pays to keep in mind that the chief occupant of the so-called "100 Acre Woods" is, after all, only a bear of very little brain.

Thursday, July 15, 2004
...Is a psychologist with a sick sense of humor.
From the site The Phobia List comes this:
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - Fear of long words. 
I checked.  There is no fear of irony.

Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Since my big announcement last week, I imagine there are a few people wondering exactly how I did it.

As a number of you know, our nicknames happen to be Pinky and The Brain. So, naturally, I had to incorporate that.

I drew this picture, framed it, wrapped it up, and had it sitting on my bed. I had a little card sitting in front of it.

My other half sees it sitting there, and asks me what it is. I tell her she has to open it to find out. So she opens the card first. Then she opens the present. She gives a little squeal when she sees that it's Pinky and the Brain. Then she reads the caption. And then re-reads it. At which point I pull out the ring and say "So, will you marry me?"

She says "No." I expected this, since she promised me that's what she was going to say. Then, about 4 seconds later, she yells "Of course YES!" At that point, we both have tears in our eyes.

Friday, June 11, 2004
I have something to report. I no longer have a girlfriend. Yes, I imagine a few of you are sitting there with a stunned expression on your face, but, well, things happen.

I know, it seemed like things were going well between us, and they were. But times and people change.

As for my ex-girlfriend, I wish her well.

And, even though I just lost my girlfriend, I now have a new relationship.

My fiance will be commenting here frequently.

Friday, June 04, 2004
I was watching Sleepy Hollow earlier today, and had a fun little idea.

Imagine switching around the different characters played by an actor in different movies. IE: we switch the character Johnny Depp plays in Sleepy Hollow with the character he plays in Pirates of the Carribean. Everything else is the same, plot, settings, etc. Just a new character, played by the same actor.

So we now have the meek and timid Inspector Ichabod Crane replaced by the bombastic Captain Jack Sparrow. Would definately make for an interesting movie.

Sunday, May 30, 2004
It's amazing the extremes you can get in 24 hours (and no, I'm not refering to Ohio weather).

Thursday, I saw a great movie, Shrek 2. On Friday, I saw Jesus Christ, Vampire Hunter.

Most people know that I find Scooby Doo to be the worst movie I've seen, followed closely by Dungeons & Dragons. JC,VH is right up there with them.

However, unlike SD and D&D, JC,VH borders on being so bad, that it's almost good. It's definately much more entertaining than SD and D&D, though I think that's unintentional. The writing is horrible, the acting terrible, the plot is missing (or at least lost and probably dying somewhere). The special effects are lousy, the sound effects stupid, and the lines have been redubbed badly. It looks like it was shot with a camcorder.

Jesus fights vampires, the Keystone Atheists (it's not what they're called, but the name fits), and has a musical dance number. He also gets a shave, haircut, and modern clothes.

And yet, the movie is still funny.

If you want to see what I'm talking about, you can go see the trailer here.

(And yes, Jesus, a Mexican wrestler, and a lesbian really do walk into a bar.)

Thursday, May 27, 2004
Went and saw Shrek 2 this afternoon. Great movie. If you liked (or loved) the first movie, you'll definately like (or love) this one. It's one of the rare sequals that is actually as good as the first.

I won't say too much about it, so that I don't ruin it for people, but I highly, highly recommend you go see it, if you haven't already. It's one I'll definately catch at least once or twice more in the theater.

Monday, May 17, 2004
I thought of a great name for a punk band: Amish Roadrage.

Sunday, April 25, 2004
Got to see my first Tribe game of the season on Thursday. "Tribe" is the Cleveland Indians, for all you non-Ohioans out there.

I got a pair of free tickets through work. Every year, the company buys a number of Indians tickets, and then raffle them off throughout the season. (The raffle is: we put our name in the drawing. That's it. Don't even have to put in any money.) So I was lucky enough to get the tickets for last Thursday's game. Went with ObeeDad.

Got wonderful seats. We were sitting in section 158, row V. (Seats 3&4, if you must know.) Yes, I realize that means nothing to most of you. So let's put it this way. We were sitting on the third base side of the field, right down the first base line. Extend the first base line back into the stands, and that's where we were. Row V happens to be only 16 rows back from the field. Basically, if I were to have yelled loud enough, they would have been able to hear (and understand) me on the field. It's shallow foul ball territory. Didn't have one hit near us, but it's a possibility for it to happen. Like I said, really nice seats.

It was decent enough weather for a ball game. It was kind of overcasty, and there was a light breeze blowing during the game. Would have been beautiful, if it had been 20-25 degrees warmer. As it was, the temperature was somewhere around 50-55 degrees. Coffee seemed to be the beverage of choice for a majority of people.

We got to see Omar Visquel hit his 2,000th hit. He's the 230th person to reach that, and only 1 of 19 currently active. I'm sure my younger sister is kicking herself a bit. Omar is her favorite Tribe player. I offered the extra ticket to her, but she turned it down. Something about having to work. Bleah, I say to her.

And the Tribe won, 5-4. The were down 2-4 when they went up to bat in the eighth inning, but managed to pull it together and win.

So, all in all, it was a good game.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004
When going on an Easter egg hunt, what's the best weapon to hunt them with? How dangerous are they that we need to hunt them, anyways?

I suddenly have an intense urge to start a web comic about cavemen with the names of Ugh-Ugh, Thunk, Droog, and Ooogie.

Don't ask why, or where it came from. I have no idea. It just kinda popped out of nowhere.

Hey, I don't question where you get your ideas from.

Update, 4-15.
I've decided, if/when I get fish, this is what I'm calling them

Thursday, March 25, 2004
Despite penguins being one of my favorite animals, or maybe because of that, I found this to be disburbingly amusing.

And kind of addictive.
(So far, my best if 452.69.)

Tuesday, March 23, 2004
For the most part, if I'm not listening to a CD when driving in my car, I'm usually listening to the local NPR station.

I find it slightly disturbing that I actually get all of the jokes in today's Get Fuzzy.

Friday, March 12, 2004
Meant to do this earlier in the week, but couldn't get around to it.

Had a good time this past weekend. A bunch of things happened.

Big thing from this past weekend first. It was mine and my girlfriend's one year anniversary. Yup, we've been dating for one year already. A little hard to believe, isn't it. Seems like much shorter, but also much longer too. Not that I would trade it for anything.

Friday, we helped move my newly engaged sister into her new apartment. Yeah, that's right, I'll soon have another brother-in-law. Don't know a date yet, I don't think they've actually set one, but I'll let you know when they do.
So my sister is in her new apartment. And no, it's not with my bro-in-law to be. She moved in with her friend Sara, who she's known pretty much her whole life. Nice apartment.

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were all gaming days. Aerri and I went and played Mechwarrior a good part of the weekend. It was the weekend of National Qualifiers. Every June, the National tournament is held down in Columbus. The Qualifiers are to see who get an invitation to compete in the event. Unfortunately, either of us qualified this weekend. It was close for my other half, though. (I didn't have much of a chance, honestly.) Although, our chances are not yet totally gone. The convention Nationals is being held at has a "last chance, work your way through it" event, where you can fight and try to qualify there. Aerri is thinking about doing it, and I might as well. Dunno yet.

Sunday we come to the really good stuff. My cousin Justin is the marketing manager for a place called Waters. It's a restaurant/conference center/reception hall. I was looking for a nicer place for dinner for the two of us, when he sent out an email with pictures of the place, and a link to their website (when I can find the link, I'll post it. Can't find it right now). So I made reservations for there. We started off with and appetizer of crab cakes. Really good. I'm not usually a crab cakes sort of person, but these were worth it. We got to the main course. She had chicken marsala, I had prime rib. The chicken marsala was excellent. Just fabulous.
And then there was the prime rib. OH. MY. WORD. I've never felt my stomach have it's own orgasm before. My tastebuds were performing cartwheels and complex acrobatics. This was, bar none, the BEST prime rib I have EVER had. EV-ER. It has spoiled me for all other prime ribs. "Butter" was Aerri's description of it, and I find it really hard to disagree with that. Excuse me a second while I wipe up the drool just thinking about it again.
And dessert was incredible too. If you're on a diet, you'll just blow it within 3 or 4 bites. But it's worth it. We had a sampler tray with creme brule (I think that's how you spell it), white chocolate moose, and mocha cheesecake. Wow to that too. Excellent, EXCELLENT meal all around.
If you're in the Cleveland/Akron area, looking for a nice place that's more than worth its price, I suggest Waters without a second hesitation.

And I had one last little surprise. (And I'm only mentioning this because I was told I can.) When my girlfriend got into work on Monday, she had a dozen red roses waiting for her. I had them delivered to her work as an anniversary surprise.

So that was last weekend in a nutshell.

Monday, March 01, 2004
Something we haven't done around here for some time now. I think you all know what to do.

Our word is:


Sunday, February 29, 2004
I was over at my sister's house the other day, helping with the boys for a little while. And they were watching Sesame Street.

You all remember a couple of years ago, when the big thing going on was "Are Bert and Ernie gay? Are Bert and Ernie gay? Is Sesame Street showing alternative lifestyles? Are they gay?" (No, they're just good friends.)

So I'm helping my sister fold sheets, when a Bert and Ernie segment comes on. And I just start laughing to myself.

My sister looks over and me and asks why I'm laughing.
"I just had an evil idea. Remember the whole big thing about Bert and Ernie being gay? Just had a thought: Queer Eye for the Muppet Guy."

Friday, February 20, 2004
Remember last year about this time, when I said I didn't want to go through a particular experience again, for a long time? Well, a year is *not* a long time.

On Wednesday morning, the mother of my best friend Dan passed away, somewhat unexpectedly.

Having known Dan for nearly all my life (since we were 3 years old), his mother became, in a number of ways, like a second mother to me.

Good bye Debbie. I'll miss you. I love you.

Friday, February 13, 2004
The company I work for is called nabn, which stands for North American Benefits Network. Keep that in mind, as the second word is relevant to the rest of this post.

We recently had somebody come back to work with us, one of our girls from customer service. They were in either the National Guard, or the Reserves, I can't remember which. (It's not somebody I normally have a lot of contact with here at work.) She returned from a tour of duty in Iraq, guarding prisoners and doing MP work.

Recently we got a "Certificate of Appreciation" and a letter from Larry R. Ellis, General, US Army. For all we know, he even signed it himself, rather than just doing a stamp with his signature on it. They keep them displayed in the lobby at work.

Now, the letter has the name of this country, America, in it 3 times. In the upper corner, there's also the seal of the Department of Defense, with "United States of America" at the bottom.

Remember the second word in the name of the company I work for? American. Just one, little additional letter to the end of the name of this country. Same word, just a little extra.

So how has the certificate and letter been addressed? They have been sent to N Amerian Benefits Network.

No, that is not a typo, on MY part.

Company name: AMERICAN.
Name on letter: AMERIAN.

Am I the only one who finds it somewhat disturbing that the United States Army cannot properly spellcheck themselves?
That they make sure that a company that has "America", or a derivative of it, is actually spelled correctly in a letter and certificate they send?

Friday, February 06, 2004
Yes, it's fine. I'll just wait right here while you recover from the shock of fainting that I've actually got a new post here on the blog. Not a problem. I'm not going anywhere for a little while.

All better now?

Yes, I know, it's been a bit. Not yet over a month though. That's been my longest, so far. And no, I'm not going to try and post once a day throughout the rest of February to make up for the gap. I learned my lesson last time.

"So where have you been?" I hear you ask. (I've got good hearing.) And if you haven't asked that question, feel free to now.

The answer is, I've been around. Still in one piece. Still seeing (and totally in love with) my other half. (Say "Hi" to the nice readers, my other half.) Just haven't been in a big 'posting' mood lately, I guess. But I do have a few different topics coming up in the near future, just none tonight. Tonight is just one of the "Yes, I *am* still among the living and breathing" variety of posts.

So, future topics to include the joy of minor addictions to vanilla flavored soft drinks, the thrill of books on tape/cd, and the fun of combat using miniature plastic figures to represent giant robots.

There's also a new quote of the day, in case you hadn't noticed, plus I've updated RUM. Go check that out. I'm not feeling a lot of love over there. More people need to read and comment. Go go go. And new sayings under "Today's Horoscope." Hit refresh a couple of times, let me know what you see.

And to my Chinese readers out there (not that I necessarily think I have any, but just to be safe anyways) Happy (Belated) Year of the Monkey!

Lastly, on a completely irrelevant final note, since I've been listening to the book on cd The Salmon of Doubt (written by Douglas Adams, published posthumously) while I'm driving in the car, I find myself mentally using a British accent while I'm typing/re-reading this. I highly recommend it. The book, not the accent. Especially if you're a Douglas Adams fan. Do you know where your towel is?

Thursday, January 08, 2004
I promised an image of the print that Dad got me and my sisters for Christmas. Go here and check it out.

It's also a great example of the type of work Dad's company does.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004
Yeah, I know, I'm a couple of days late with that. Deal with it.

I hope that everyone had a good New Year's Eve/Day. I was down in Columbus for the weekend. Unfortunately, I had to work New Year's Eve, but not as late as I normally do. So I left work early, and headed down south. I told Aerri I would try and make it by midnight, but I couldn't promise it. So at 11:59 and 58 seconds, I walk through the door to her apartment. Yes, I am the master of fabulous timing. :)

Had a good weekend. Mostly just hung out and didn't do anything major. Watched TV, went to the library, rented a couple of movies, played MechWarrior Saturday night. All in all, a nice relaxing weekend.

But I'm nice and annoyed at blogger right now. I've just spent the last 30-45 minutes trying to add a quote under my revolving quote. (It's one you would appreciate, Love.) And it won't let me do it. Don't know why. I can put up piecesparts, but when I try and do the whole thing, it bombs off on me. Really pissing me off. So I've complained to blogger.

And I've gone and update RUM, again. (I know, twice in under a month. The world is coming to an end.) Go forth, read, comment. I want to see some comments there!!

Monday, January 05, 2004
Take the quiz, find out which LOTR character you are. Let me know.

Congratulations! You're Merry!

Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you?
brought to you by Quizilla